How expensive is Marseille ?
How expensive is Marseille, budget and cost of living in Marseille during your holidays and trip.
All the information to plan a trip to Marseille in line with your budget and to get around the region in the most convenient way.
Marseille is not as expensive as Paris, but it is certainly not an economic destination. The prices are in line with the Italian ones but vary a lot according to the period and the city where you are. We therefore give you some examples of average prices for a typical tourist day: public transport, entrance to museums and monuments, full lunch, drinks, coffee at the bar, hotel prices.
Average living costs in Marseille
The prices we indicate are for reference only. Of course, consider that sitting in the center of Marseille’s square or having dinner in a chic restaurant in Aix-en-Provence is much more expensive than an unknown or less touristy corner of Marseille. Hence, prices may vary widely.
- The ticket is valid for 1 hour to move around Marseille by public transport 1, 50 €
- Full admission to the Cezanne museum in Aix-en-Provence, € 5.50.
- Cost of a 0.5 CL bottle of water per bar. € 1.00
- Cost of a beer at the bar: 3-4 euros
- Baguette: € 1
- Having a coffee at the counter costs 1.50-3 €, if you sit down you also pay 5 €
- A complete meal with appetizer, first or second course, dessert and drinks in an average restaurant: around € 30 per person.
- If you are satisfied with a less refined lunch made with baguettes and some local sausages, you can get away with € 10 each
I think it is very useful to deal with the cost of living issue in Marseille.
How much does it cost to live in Marseille?
For example:
- renting accommodation, bills (electricity, water, gas, landline phone, internet, etc …)
- public transport or petrol if you have a car
- food (how much it costs you per month depending on whether you live alone or have a family)
- private health insurance (if you have one)
- expenses for children: school, extra curricular activities
- dine in the restaurant, aperitif, coffee
- cinema, theater, gym
I have lived in Marseille since I was born and I would be very happy to help anyone in need !
The cost of Accomodations, hotel appartment
To rent accommodation, you can start by asking for a real estate company that will undoubtedly facilitate and explain everything, this service has a price. On average that cost is equivalent to one month of rent, to which you will have to add two months in advance and then at the end the deposit that will also be equal to one month of rent!!!
You can Find best hotel rate in Marseille City center from 69€ a night in our hotel in Marseille. Howether, if you prefer to be located around the old port you should expect to pay from 100 € per night at least.
In short, you will be forced to pay four times the value of the rent to get the keys! It would be better that you ask us for our apartment hotel in Marseille.
And now get an idea of the prices:
- If you’re looking for a T2 accommodation (living room and one room only) it will cost you about 500/600 euros.
- T3 about 750/800
- and so on…
- for one person you can rent a studio with only one room for a sum of about 300/400 euro
How expensive is Marseille ? Let’s see the bills:
The consumption of water, gas, or electricity in general must be paid every two months. That’s why the easiest way is to sign a contract with the company:
and ask for the relevé de confiance contract
That contract will save you a little more money!
Let’s take a few examples so that you can anticipate all the expenses, which several times I happened to transfer and for this reason I have often forced myself to “tighten the belt” as we say here!
First case: single
Salary : more or less 1000 euros
rent :500 euros or less
subsidy paid: 200 /250 euros (40 / 50% of the rent)
you’ll have 750/800 euros left to pay the rest, that is:
- -internet landline and mobile phone (all three included):25/30 euros
- -gas light water :60/70 euro maybe a little more (average budget)
- -household insurance (which varies according to the surface area): at least 50 euros
- _health insurance: free for people who earn little money
- -assurance on the car if you have one:70 euro at least
- -Budget petrol: Petrol costs more and more every day
You will do well to pay attention to your journeys, that the liter of diesel is close to those of gasoline, that is about 1.50 euro
80/120 euros per month
Budget Public transportation
Do not hesitate to take public transportations. Marseille is not dangerous, as certain people would say. Tramway is nice, and bell combined with metro and buses.
-the food: 100 /120 euros
How expensive is Marseille ? The costs for going out in Marseille
- -1 coffee: 1.30
- -1 beer: 2/3 euro
- -disco: 20 euros
- -Restaurant: You can find great cheap restaurants at a great price.
- 20 /25 euros per person
- etc etc…
However, for all the people who would like to know all the places of exit in Marseille, I recommend them to take a tour on the site:
They will find all the useful and necessary information to discover the city.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate, I will certainly answer them in the comments section below.